Information meeting
Get to know the school and the educational opportunities we offer at CAPA. At an information meeting, you can explore the school’s facilities, meet current and former CAPA students, and get answers to all the questions you may have.
Financial planning
Before the start of the education, we need confirmation that the financial situation is clarified. Obtaining a loan can be a significant challenge today, and to address this, we, as the only flight school, have established a guarantee at Spar Nord. We guarantee a certain amount, which may be a factor that convinces the bank to finance the education. In addition to negotiating advantageous agreements on behalf of our students, CAPA, in certain cases, also provides financing directly. Contact us for more information about CAPA Credit.
The integrated pilot education is approved for increased student financial aid (SU).
Medical class 1
All pilots must have a valid medical certificate as proof of being in good health and fit for flying. Normal, good health, vision (maximum +/- 5), hearing, balance, etc., are required. You must also be at least 18 years old.
The medical examinations must be conducted by an approved AeMC (Aeromedical Centre) either in Denmark or abroad (though it must be an EASA-approved doctor).
You can find links to approved doctors here:
Trafikstyrelsen – Godkendte flyvelæger
Additionally, we also recommend Norges Flymedisinske Senter in Oslo:
Norgesflymedisinskesenter – Booking
Admission test
To become a pilot trainee at CAPA, you must pass our admission test. A successful admission test indicates that you are deemed suitable to commence your pilot training.